What next for online businesses after the second UK lockdown

Gemma Went
3 min readNov 3, 2020

Well, here we are again UK (and some of the rest of the world).

Back in lockdown, offline businesses taking the hit (again), all of us feeling the strain, the anxiety, the pressure … it’s a lot.

So I wanted to reach out with soothing words of advice to help you over the next month or so.

Because right now you might be feeling overwhelmed.

Or like you’ve been hit by a juggernaut.

And that’s okay.

It IS overwhelming — and soul destroying and disheartening — to see what’s going on in the world.

But as online business owners we have the chance to keep going.

​​To keep this economy going.

​​To do it for those offline businesses who don’t have the choice to trade.

And I want to help you with that. That’s my role in this, and having this role helps me through it.

Here are a few things that might help you right now:

  • Create time in your calendar for mindset and self care. Our mental health is so important right now, and I see many business owners already on the brink of burnout. Please, put your oxygen mask on first! You’re no help to anyone burnt out. So take care of you, every single day, and then show up to the people who are important to you.
  • Focus on marketing and selling the things that your audience need right now. Their needs are likely to have changed a lot, so do a deep dive, listen to them, ask them, listen to what they are saying. Use this to tweak your offers so that you can give them what they both want and need now. Those who are able to be agile and do this quickly, will be a great support, and will keep generating revenue.
  • Loose all grip on perfectionism! Right now the messy first draft is your friend. We have no time for perfectly crafted marketing campaigns, we just need to get out there and show how we can help people with our offers. If you really struggle with this, then my Online Business Incubator, Consistency Club, can really help you with this.
  • For those that are thinking this, PLEASE remove the story that you’re (a) cashing in on the crisis if you sell something to help your people now or (b) a soulless sales devil if you even think of selling something in this climate. Your people need you, they need your solutions, it’s your job to give them those solutions. So no, you’re not cashing in, you are helping. By selling now you’re helping the economy. There are offline businesses that have no choice, they simply cannot trade. Which means that the rest of us have a chance to keep the economy going. So please, let’s all pitch in and do what we need to do.

Finally, don’t do this alone. It’s tough out there and getting the right support is crucial. This is why I designed Consistency Club to be the safe space for you to do just that.

​​We opened just before Lockdown and we’ve helped over 200 Online Business Owners so far. We focus on all of those things up there and more. Do check us out, it’s super affordable for something that gives so much value — you get a live mentoring session with me each week to help you course correct and focus on the right things, and SO much more — plus with no contract, you can leave when you like. Read more and join here.

Stay safe friends.


Originally published at https://gemmawent.co.uk on November 3, 2020.



Gemma Went

Business & Mindset Mentor. Bringing business dreams to life with integrity, authenticity and a big dollop of chutzpah.